Greenland Rhubarb

(image for) Greenland Rhubarb
Greenland Rhubarb


Approximately 100 seeds per gram.
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Price is per gram.

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Rhubarb, most likely Rheum australe, probably arrived in Greenland in the 1700’s. Greenlanders apparently took a liking to it. And why not – for it’s one of the vegetables(?) that actually thrives in the Greenlandic climate with ease. It requires no attention at all and yields right through spring and summer.

I have been on many expeditions to Greenland and the Arctic. To my surprise, most of the older houses in Greenland have rhubarb growing around them. However, it is sadly neglected now, as each village has a well-stocked modern supermarket, and no need for home grown rhubarb. At every opportunity I collected some seed. After legally importing it into Australia I planted these into my trial beds. Most proved a disappointment, but one from the older part of “Sisimiut” proved to be a standout. It never loses its leaves in winter, growing vigorously all year round, is quite a good red, and will take all the cold you can throw at it. The Greenlandic town of “Sisimiut” endures at least -30ºC in winter, and it also thrives in our +40ºC in summer. Well worth a try for those looking for something new, or to grow in very cold climates.

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